Strong economy and job market: Munich as a place to work

Jobs in Munich: Information on finding a job

One reason why Munich is a very popular place to live for people from all over the world: It has a strong economy and job market. Find the most important figures and some employers here.

Low unemployment rate: Economical figures for Munich

Bavaria is known for its economical strengths in many industries such as engineering, IT or health. In December 2019, close to 900.000 people were employed in the city of Munich - not counting freelancers. The unemployment rate at that date was 3.3 percent, an all-time low among German cities of more than 600.000 inhabitants. More than 755.000 employees, in December 2019, worked in the services industries such as trade, transportation, communication, science, government and entertainment, over 140.000 were counted in the manufacturing business. Source: City of Munich