Addresses and phone numbers

Ride services for the disabled

In Munich exist special ride services for the severely disabled


Services in and around Munich

Mini-Bus Team Munich
Phone 0049-(0)89/3 99 39 99 (9:30 am to 5pm)
Mobile 0049-(0)171/7 77 11 27 (at all other times);

Bavarian Red Cross (Ride Service)
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse 4
82319 Starnberg
Phone 0049-(0)8151/2222 (German)
Rides to destinations outside the city, especially in Munich and vicinity; register a minimum of one day in advance

SFD Spezialfahrdienst (Special Ride Service for the Severely Disabled)
Phone 0049-(0)89/6 25 55 22

  • Register a minimum of one day in advance
  • Vehicles available for electric wheelchairs
  • Small buses available for up to four wheelchairs and attendants
  • Stair transport
  • Transport for lying patients, no medical services provided

Further information