Help for women and girls in case of sexual harassment and violence

Counseling for girls and women in Munich: Important contacts

Whether in cases of violence, sexual assault or just questions about life planning: Munich offers numerous help and counseling services for women. The following links refer mainly to sites in German language, with services in English offered whenever available.

Frauen im Beratungsgespräch

Violence against women: Help and counseling for victims

  • IMMA: The most frequent victims of violence and oppression are predominantly young girls and women. The Initiative Münchner Mädchenarbeit eV (Imma) therefore advises young women who have had this experience. In workshops, those affected learn that they are not alone and how they can come to terms with what has happened. There are also workshops and projects to help them come to terms with what they have experienced and to gain new strength and self-confidence. Imma also provides counseling for family members. More information about Imma
  • POLICE: In the area of ​​"Violence against women and children", the police women's officers look after victims of violent crime. Victims can find out more about their rights in criminal proceedings and how to file a complaint.
  • WOMEN'S HOUSE: Domestic violence is a major problem because those affected are permanently at its mercy. Women in particular therefore need a way to escape the violent domestic environment. In women's shelters, they receive protection from quarrels, violence and abuse. The trustworthy staff offers shelter and free counseling for affected women and children. Contact details of existing women's shelters are listed here: Women's shelters in Bavaria
  • MUNICH WOMEN'S ASSOCIATIONS: Women's associations have long been providing an important service and helping women in a wide variety of emergencies. For this reason, the Stadtbund Münchner Frauenverbände (Munich Women's Associations Association) was created as a joint association that takes into account the interests of all associations and can thus plan and carry out joint actions in order to be able to work even more effectively. At the Stadtbund Münchner Frauenverbände, addresses and contacts can be found, which in many cases lead to quick and anonymous help. City Federation of Munich Women's Associations

Help for women in case of sexual harassment and assault

  • AMYNA: Sexual violence in its various forms is still a major problem and a constant threat in our society. At AMYNA, the institute against sexual abuse, information can be obtained on how girls and boys can be protected from sexual violence. But also, those who want to help victims of violence back to a normal life can contact the institute. More information about AMYNA
  • WOMEN'S EMERGENCY CALL: 089-763737 - In cases of sexual harassment, it is often difficult to accept outside help. The shame and fear of intimate questions and asking for details is too great. Even for outsiders it can sometimes be difficult to intervene. Especially when the sexual assault takes place in the home environment. No matter what form the sexual harassment and violence takes, the Women's Emergency Hotline is there to help you, from telephone counseling to legal assistance. More information about the WOMEN'S EMERGENCY CALL

Other counseling services: Life planning and project consulting

  • AMANDA: Lack of self-confidence and insecurity is still often a problem for young women. The Amanda project addresses this problem and offers girls and young women the opportunity to get to know and develop their own personality and to recognize their strengths and weaknesses. Here, girls meet their peers to get answers to questions about life planning or sexuality. The Youth Information Center also offers special programs and projects on this topic. More information about Amanda
  • MUNICH WOMEN'S ASSOCIATIONS: Women's associations have long been providing an important service and helping women in a wide variety of emergencies. For this reason, the Stadtbund Münchner Frauenverbände (Munich Women's Associations Association) was created as a joint association that takes into account the interests of all associations and can thus plan and carry out joint actions in order to be able to work even more effectively. At the Stadtbund Münchner Frauenverbände, addresses and contacts can be found, which in many cases lead to quick and anonymous help. City Federation of Munich Women's Associations
  • CATHOLIC WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION: The Catholic German Women's Association is an association of women who want to combine Christian and social life. Special emphasis is placed on the function of the Women's Federation as an educational institution to help women take a stronger role. The goals of the Federation include the reconciliation of family and career, good cooperation between women and men in church, society and politics, and the diaconate of women. All women are invited to take advantage of the extensive offerings. More information about the Catholic Women's Federation
Eine Frau macht ein besorgtes Gesicht
MaleWitch /

Help for women in case of sexual harassment and assault

  • AMYNA: Sexual violence in its various forms is still a major problem and a constant threat in our society. At AMYNA, the institute against sexual abuse, information can be obtained on how girls and boys can be protected from sexual violence. But also, those who want to help victims of violence back to a normal life can contact the institute. More information about AMYNA
  • WOMEN'S EMERGENCY CALL: 089-763737 - In cases of sexual harassment, it is often difficult to accept outside help. The shame and fear of intimate questions and asking for details is too great. Even for outsiders it can sometimes be difficult to intervene. Especially when the sexual assault takes place in the home environment. No matter what form the sexual harassment and violence takes, the Women's Emergency Hotline is there to help, from telephone counseling to legal assistance.

Other counseling centers: Life planning and project counseling

  • AMANDA: Lack of self-confidence and insecurity is still often a problem for young women. The Amanda project addresses this problem and offers girls and young women the opportunity to get to know and develop their own personalities and to recognize their strengths and weaknesses. Here, girls meet their peers to get answers to questions about life planning or sexuality. The Youth Information Center also offers special programs and projects on this topic.
  • CATHOLIC WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION: The Catholic German Women's Association is an association of women who want to combine Christian and social life. Special emphasis is placed on the function of the Women's Federation as an educational institution to help women gain a stronger role. The goals of the Federation include the reconciliation of family and career, good cooperation between women and men in church, society and politics, and the diaconate of women. All women are invited to take advantage of the extensive offerings.